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We deliver interactive training programs that are not a waste of time and money. Our programs leave participants informed, inspired, and ready to act.

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Our development programs prepare workforces for challenging circumstances that will arise. Teams explore proven theories—practically and experientially. We work with our qualified, professional role-play actors in this process.

Our unique learning-by-doing methodology engages learners, allowing them to improve and explore leadership skills in a safe yet challenging real-life environment.

Our courses leave a measurable, visible impact throughout your entire organization. Whether your requirement is live, virtual, or blended learning, we work with you directly to create a dramatically different program.

Tell us your requirements, and we’ll get started.

Inspiration for Workshops

Courageous Conversations

Improve the ability to tackle complicated workplace conversations like performance issues, team conflict, or mental health concerns. Learn how to prepare for these conversations and grow the skill and confidence to achieve a successful outcome for everyone involved.

Understanding Others

Take a deep dive into the realm of different communication styles and emotional intelligence, and gain invaluable insights and practical strategies to enhance interpersonal relationships. Learn how to promote a positive workplace environment and navigate social dynamics effectively,

Powerful Persuasion

Learn how to influence people without using the authority or power, but by showing confidence, clarity of purpose and excellent communication skills. Learners work through a series of real life, practical simulations, where they learn what it really means to be a credible and influential leader.


Feedback is perhaps the most important communication tool. It clarifies expectations, develops performance and builds confidence. In this hands-on session, participants learn and practice how to give feedback in a way that it can be heard, digested, and applied moving forward.

Self & Others

To effectively manage others, you must be able to manage yourself, your actions and your emotions. This highly experiential program is suited for leaders who want to enhance personal effectiveness and build an attitude of resilience to deal with uncertainty, change and challenge.

Participant Feedback

Let's get started

Learn how INTERACT WA can support your organisation